We own or operate or programme 71 of the world’s most iconic venues.

Covering historic theatres, studio theatres, cinemas, conference spaces and modern live music arenas, we own and operate 71 venues across Britain, the USA, Germany, Austria and Spain. That number keeps growing.

Our impact on these venues takes significant investment, in some cities we’ve restored closed and forgotten theatres like The Colonial Theatre in Boston, the Hudson Theatre in New York and Stockton’s Globe theatre, back to their former architectural and trading glory, in other cities we are involved in the design and delivery of new venues, such as the Swansea Building Society Arena on the waterside in Swansea.

We invest for the long-term future of our venues; improving seating, washrooms, heating, air conditioning, bars and lounges and accessibility of our spaces to everyone.

For the productions and shows we also ensure our venues are equipped with the latest in lighting, sound and other production technologies, together with regularly refurbished dressing rooms.

exPlore Our venuEs